Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wing Chun Dim Mak

Wing Chun Kung Fu Dim Mak

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Dim Mak Pressure Point attacking system.
Pressure points are used in a positive way for Healing as well as a negative way for manipulation and controlling.
Dim Mak theory describes wing chun techniques that attack pressure points and meridians, said to incapacitate or sometimes cause immediate or even delayed death to an opponent.
Dim Mak Pressure Point striking refers to any martial arts technique directing strikes with less than lethal force targeted at specific pressure points around the body.

Wing Chun Pressure Points

In the Human Body pressure points can be manipulated in a positive way to accelerate the natural healing process, or can be manipulated in a negative way to cause detriment, anything from nausea to unconsciousness to even death.
Pressure Points are the size of a match head so comprehensive understanding of Pressure Point location is essential for definitive results.
Be Aware! If you undertake to learn Dim Mak you must make a point of also learning how to revive and heal people.
For every force there is an equal and opposite force.
"Healing" and "Hurting" are complimentary. Yin and Yang.
There are some points on the body that are Taboo, as a severe strike will cause death.
If you stop someone's Heart, they are theoretically dead, but you can revive them.
Remember, you are responsible for your actions.
You must be aware of the Litigation and the Law. There are always consequences.
Some pressure points are user friendly, meaning they can alter someone's blood pressure so they can be controlled, but not cause serious injury.
Stomach 9 opposite the Adam's Apple on the Caratoid Artery is a perfect example. A strike to this point will prevent blood and oxygen reaching the Brain and cause severe instability, also lower blood pressure, among other things.
Dim Mak striking can cause physical damage as well as internal energy "damage", so pressure point striking has a dual effect.
I conduct annual seminars on Dim Mak Pressure Point attack and manipulation, also covering CPR and Revival techniques.
The seminar also explains and demonstrates many pressure point locations explaining the consequences, causes and affect after striking the area.
If interested, please be aware of the Time Table link at:
Sifu Garry will conduct next seminar on Saturday July 21st at our Greensborough Wing Chun School.

Qigong in Melbourne
Wing Chun Kung Fu for Children
Martial Arts Sports Coaching
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5 Stages of Combat - Traditional Wing Chun

Wing Chun Blog

 Traditional Wing Chun

5 Stages of Combat

Traditional Wing Chun derives from the Leung Bik / Yip Man Wing Chun System. Yip Man learnt this style of Wing Chun from Leung Bik in Hong Kong around 1917.
Leung Bik is the Son of the legendary "king fo wing chun", Dr. Leung Jan. This unique wing chun fighting system is relatively new in Australia, being introduced to Melbourne in the late 70's, by Grand Master William Cheung.

1: Non Contact Stage
2: Contact Stage
3: Exchange Range
4: Pursuit
5: Retreat

We refer to this as none contact stage and take a side neutral stance with our guard on the central line. It is more practical not to be committed at stage, so we do not limit our mobility.
In Traditional Wing Chun one can assume a front stance or side neutral stance in preparation for the unexpected. The safe distance between You and the Perpetrator should be just outside the kicking range. Always move to this safe distance before engaging.

Contact stage is when both fighters reach a distance, which enables limited contact with the arms and legs, but no contact to the main body targets. To gauge this distance perfectly one must be wrist on wrist. At contact stage, the central line is used at the outer perimeter with a front stance. The body turned slightly to minimize the target area. Information comes in from the contact point as well as visual observation. Your contact reflex ability for close range instant response action and independent movement of arms and legs, gained through chi sao exercises, becomes invaluable at contact stage, giving you a huge advantage over your opponent.

Once in exchange range, contact to the head and body is now possible. Kicking is generally not favorable at this stage other than low kicks, spinning away with round or back kicks. At this range maximum protection is imperative, therefore, the practitioner must put his rear guard up higher than usual to protect his upper gate. The focus being on the nearest elbow point as it will forecast the next intended movement of that arm or fist, plus to fire the rear arm, it must be directed across the path of the lead elbow. Once contact has been made with one or both arms, have made contact with any part of the opponent’s body, the practitioner should attempt to use this contact point as a guild to finding the opponents nearest elbow point for controlling the opponents balance or restricting his movement. Once the elbow is controlled, the practitioner can use it as a guild to finding the vital targets on the head and body, as well as being able to maneuver to the blind side where we can deal with one arm at a time. The Wing Chun practitioner is aided at this close range by Wing Chun’s low leg kicks and having the ability to utilize arms and legs simultaneously, ability that must be mastered in chi sao.

When an opponent retreats, chase him. This stage is pursuit and is a general concept of Chi Sao. The general rule is that the practitioner should try to keep contact to control the Opponent, covering the nearest elbow point and pursuit with quick, efficient stepping, to stay with your Opponent, if he retreats. Sometimes, as contact is broken, the practitioner is advised to re-enter with the entry technique or front kick to achieve further contact. 

Sometimes when one is in an unfavorable situation, one must retreat in order to re-organize oneself. A practitioner would generally use Fut sao and backward step to get out of the situation. Sometimes a combination of Fut sao and Bill sao together with a double back step can be very useful. Never the less, one must return to the central line system for better protection once you have regained your ground.

It is imperative to understand the Retreat Stage of Combat in Traditional Wing Chun, as a Practitioner cannot maintain engagement with a larger, stronger Opponent if unexpected, unfavourable circumstances arise.

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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sifu Garry's Blog - Happy New Year 2018

Wing Chun Blog

Happy New Year for 2018

The World is your Oyster!

Sifu Linda and I hope your New Year is full of prosperity and your resolutions come to fruition
Every New Year we make resolutions which inspire and give us hope for progress and change in our lives.
But, how many People actually have the constitution to adhere to their new found ideas.
The two most popular resolutions and the most unsuccessful ones appear to be.

Giving up smoking and starting a new exercise resume.
Sometimes People place too much pressure on success.

Progress, no matter how small is still a positive result.
Always start small and work your way up. This is much more successful than starting with big aspirations and becoming disappointed when one doesn't achieve their objectives within a certain time.
Giving up Cigarettes can be a very daunting task, because it is such an addictive habit and very detrimental to one's health and mortality.

If you are serious about it, before lighting up, break a bit of the end. You will find that you end up smoking less and less. Another beneficial habit is to recite negative affirmation while smoking, like, "yuk" "yuk" or "I hate this" "I hate this". Eventually, when you go Cold Turkey, it will be much, much, easier to achieve. This is how I gave up over 15 years ago.

In the Sixties, it was cool to smoke. It was a status sign of success. Plus, I don't think there was as many carcinogenics as there are in today's cigarettes.
There are also expensive Pharmaceuticals to help you to stop, which are very successful.
When one contemplates Exercise, one always tends to think of Gyms.

There are many different outlets for Exercise.

Martial Arts, in my opinion, is the best form of Exercise, especially Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Not all Wing Chun Systems are the same. The fundamental empty hand techniques are basically the same, but how they are employed varies greatly from one system to another and the emphasis on Fitness will be different as well.
Ultimately, all Wing Chun Kung Fu Systems are proficient.
In the Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun System, I place a huge emphasis on Fitness. This preference probably stems from being involved in Martial Arts Tournaments since 1995.

In our training resume, there are medicine ball drills, fit ball exercises with or without medicine balls, focus pad drills with punches and kicks, running, (the school is situated in a very hilly environment), sparring drills, wing chun drilling, dumb bell exercises, and much, much, more.
Getting back to our New Year's resolutions. 

Why do people start Martial Arts training and sometimes disappear very quickly.
There are a lot of reasons and many distractions in our fast paced society. A friend rings up and invites you out, or it is too hot today, or your Child suddenly gets sick or I'm too busy at present. The longer one stays away the harder it is to resume. Sometimes, we don't realize the commitment necessary to progress at an acceptable rate, so we can't be bothered anymore.  

If you decide on Martial Arts Training, prioritise your choice and make time and try to stick to it. You will be greatly rewarded in due time.

Wing Chun Training is very stimulating. It develops simultaneous coordination of the Limbs, activating both hemispheres of the Brain. You also learn how to not fight force against force. Also. there is a lot of balance training and core strength development, to name a few.

Apart from the psychological and physical benefits, one can also learn a very practical and effective form of Self Defence.

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a way of life not just a self defence system. It will change your life forever.
When I started training in 1986, several friends started with me. Slowly but surely, they disappeared but I kept at it and 30 years later, I couldn't be any happier. I was lucky in life because I found a beautiful partner and wife that has the same passion as me, Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Make a New Year's Resolution to train Martial Arts, especially Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Please visit my web site and hopefully it will inspire you. Feel free to read Sifu Linda's and My Blog Posts.
Some words of encouragement!



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